Table Ronde organisée à l'occasion de l'occasion de la parution du numéro 16 de Fixxion, "L'ailleurs par temps de mondialisation"/‘Elsewhere’ in the Time of Globalization', avec la participation de Dominique Viart (Université Paris Nanterre) et des éditeurs du volume, Charles Forsdick (University of Liverpool), Jean-Marc Moura (Université Paris Nanterre), et Anna-Louise Milne (ULIP).

Please join us for our first event of the academic year, a roundtable talk to celebrate the launch of volume 16 of the Critical Review of Contemporary French Fixxion. The editors, Professors Charles Forsdick (University of Liverpool), Jean-Marc Moura (Université Paris Nanterre), and ULIP’s Dr. Anna-Louise Milne, will be present to discuss the theme of the volume : ‘Elsewhere’ in the Time of Globalization. They will be joined by Professor Dominique Viart (Nanterre) who will discuss how his own work on new literary forms, particularly ‘la littérature de terrain’, intersects with this exploration of 'Elsewhere.'
‘Elsewhere’ evokes a narrative possibility that challenges our perceived sense of situatedness in the world. It potentially opens us up to different encounters with the Other beyond the conventional parameters and perceptual effects of globalization. Sometimes ‘elsewhere’ implies a change of scenery; sometimes we can experience the critical value and the estrangement effect of ‘elsewhere’ without any ostensible movement.
A key objective is to consider what happens to ‘elsewhere’ when there is no obvious centre from which to detach. How does generalised migration across the globe of things and people open up new spaces for elsewhere – for an ‘ailleurs’ – to take shape, to find form, in writing in French?
The Fixxion volume addresses the ways in which these different conceptions of elsewhere have been suggested in French novel production since the 1980s. The panellists will talk us through some of the key questions raised, and the final part of the discussion will consider the broader consequences for the discipline of French Studies today.
The discussion will be followed by a short drinks reception at 6.30 pm.
Read Charles and Anna-Louise's exchange in the journal here (English version):